Cloud Yards Team

Cloud Yards is the result of a group of progressive stock agents that were looking to provide clients a way to access livestock quotes, in a quick and efficient manner, while still keeping the traditional values of being able to operate on our word and a handshake. We are 100% New Zealand owned and our small team are made up of Kiwi guys that all come from rural towns across New Zealand, own small businesses and support local communities.

We saw it as imperative to keep things simple, clear, with an easy to use platform; but along with this, like any business, the most import thing is “people”. This being the case, we have been very careful to have the “right people on the bus”, to ensure we can deliver quotes that we personally stand by with integrity and confidence. With this base we then needed a geographically diverse spread, giving us the ability to utilise the strengths of the often varying regional climatic conditions. We have now expanded our team with like-minded agents across the North Island and personally stand by and guarantee every line of stock purchased through Cloud Yards.

If you have any questions about Cloud Yards or want more information, please contact your nearest agent below.

Stock Agents

Bradley Lanigan
Digby Philip
Hawke's Bay